Stalking / Aggravated Stalking

There are numerous predicaments in which Stalking / Aggravated Stalking accusations and charges may arise. In many cases, stalking occurs when a romantic arrangement ends and one party is intent on tracking, contacting, and being in the same space as their former partner. In other instances, stalking may take place when a disgruntled former employee attempts to track down their former boss. Regardless of the reasoning or cause, it is important to remember that stalking is illegal.

Stalking may seem like a less serious offense when compared to violent crimes such as domestic assault, but in certain situations, it can lead to tragic outcomes. Though some stalkers simply hope to “keep tabs” on their subject, others can become violent and seek opportunities to harm or kill the individual they are pursuing. Because of this, stalking charges are typically taken very seriously by prosecuting attorneys.

Stalking / Aggravated Stalking Defense Lawyer in Fort Worth, Arlington, Grapevine, Keller, Southlake, TX

Stalking and aggravated stalking charges need to be taken seriously if you hope to overcome the situation. If you’re dealing with a stalking accusation, you may have already been arrested; in the state of Texas, law enforcement can legally arrest and/or detain individuals who have been accused of this crime, even if they don’t have a warrant or any proof that the alleged offense took place.

Make sure you have the right criminal defense lawyer by hiring Richard C. McConathy. The Law Offices of Richard C. McConathy have served individuals for years, and if you’re trying to make sure you have the best possible defense for your criminal case, our law firm is here to help. We have a proven reputation for providing favorable results for our clients, and if you’re in need of some legal assistance, we have the resources you’ll need. For more information on how we can be of assistance, contact us today at (817) 422-5350 to schedule a consultation.

Definition of Stalking

According to Texas Penal Code § 42.072, individuals can be charged with stalking if they are found knowingly and repeatedly displaying conduct that another individual may see as threatening to their life, the lives of their family or friends, or the life of their spouse. Individuals can also be charged with stalking if they display conduct that threatens property damage, bodily harm, or death.

It’s important to remember that in today’s society, cyberstalking is another offense that you need to be aware of. Texas Penal Code Section 42.07 states that to be charged with this crime, you must be accused of making obscene contact with another individual through digital communication, making a credible threat of bodily injury against another person (or their family and/or property), intentionally create a false report of someone’s death or serious injury, or repeatedly communicate electronically with a person with malicious intentions.

Penalties for Stalking

The 12th Chapter of the Texas Penal Code provides a guideline for the penalties and punishments associated with stalking in the Lone Star State. Generally, a first-time stalking offense can cause an offender to be convicted of a third-degree felony, which will carry a maximum prison sentence of ten years in addition to a mandatory fine of up to $10,000. However, if an individual is facing their second or subsequent stalking offense, they will see their punishments greatly intensified. Repeat offenders can face a maximum prison sentence of 20 years, in addition to the aforementioned maximum fine of $10,000.

Stalking can have many collateral consequences as well. This is seen as a violent and “creepy” crime that can cause an individual to lose many opportunities in life. For starters, you may be seen as unworthy of jobs that require you to interact with others. In addition to this, depending on the circumstances surrounding your charge, you may be ineligible to ever own or possess a firearm, seeing as stalking offenses are felony charges.

The court of public opinion may be the harshest aspect of this crime. When you are guilty of stalking another individual, the people in your life may begin to see and treat you differently. Even if you have not been convicted of abuse, homicide, or any other directly violent crime, stalking is typically seen as an offense that represents deviance, unhealthy obsession, or severe mental illness. Because of this, you may find that your personal relationships with your friends and family are permanently altered after receiving your conviction.

Resources for Stalking in Tarrant County, TX

TLSC: Crime Victims – The Texas Legal Services Center is a statewide organization that provides free referrals, consultation, and representations for victims who have dealt with violent crime. If you have been victimized by a stalker, domestic abuser, or any other offender who has caused bodily harm, you may find assistance with protective orders.

TDCJ: Crime Victims’ Rights – The Texas Department of Criminal Justice is committed to bringing justice to the individuals who have been victimized by violent crime. If you are someone who is trying to find more information for victims of violent crime in the state of Texas, click this link to find the official website of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. You can also learn more about the laws surrounding criminal procedure in the state of Texas.

Find A Tarrant County Defense Attorney for Cyperstalking Lawyer | Law Offices of Richard C. McConathy

With experience providing legal counsel to citizens of Fort Worth, Arlington, Keller, Euless, and many other cities located within and around Tarrant County, the Law Offices of Richard C. McConathy can handle your criminal charges. If you have been charged with a crime related to stalking, you can count on our experienced lawyers to provide you with a stout legal defense that can help you achieve a favorable outcome.

Have you been struggling with a recent stalking accusation and you’re unsure of what to do? If so, the first thing that needs to take place is the hiring of a criminal defense attorney. Richard C. McConathy has provided elite legal representation for Texans over the past 20 years, and our team of legal experts is here to help you with your issues. For more information on how we can be of assistance to you, contact us today at (817) 422-5350 to schedule a consultation with a member of our team.

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